The installation of modern security scanners at major British airports has been delayed with work not expected to be completed until June 1 2025 under the government’s mandate

The installation of modern security scanners at major UK airports will not be completed by the government’s deadline of June 1, 2025. After the installation of these advanced scanners, the ban on carrying liquids up to 100 mm in hand luggage will be lifted and they will not even have to remove their laptops from their bags, which will reduce the time it takes to pass through security.
But apart from Heathrow and Gatwick, the installation of modern scanners at Manchester Airport will not be completed as per the target. The limit of one millimeter of liquid in hand luggage was introduced in 2006 after a plot to sabotage a US-bound flight was exposed. Airports were initially directed to complete the installation of the state-of-the-art scanner by 2022, but this was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
You can also take it with you. This technology is already being used in the US. Trials of these scanners in the UK began in 2018 and their installation at Teesside and London City Airports has been completed. But Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester airports face delays in installing modern scanners for all security lenses. Which means that on the occasion of the summer holiday this year, some security lenses will be operated with the existing scanners and passengers will be able to carry only 100 milliliters of liquid with them.
According to the consumer group “Witch”, the use of new and old scanners can cause confusion for passengers, which will cause delays. According to aviation affairs expert Sally Gethan, these modern scanners are expensive and heavy, and sometimes require reinforced floors to install them, and it takes time to train staff to use them. Work is underway to introduce these scanners at three of the four terminals at Heathrow Airports, but it is not yet possible to determine the exact timing of their installation.
Heathrow Airport has 146 security lanes, more than any other airport in the country, on which scanners are being carefully installed. Travel association Abta has advised travelers to check airport rules before traveling in winter to avoid delays. The Department for Transport has said that the strong security system in the UK will have the opportunity to be further improved by modern technology.

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